This was my my first shoot for 2014. And it came in like a bang! I loved meeting this family. We started with the most challenging – the family shots. Big brother (with his beautiful curls) loved animals and since we have a plethora of toy animals here at my house, we may have affixed a rooster or donkey atop my camera to make big brother laugh. I think we were successful, although he really wanted to play instead.
And what a little chunker baby brother is – adorable. I love his rolls. We got a lot of awake time during the family and brother pics, and that pretty much wore him out! So then we were able to get those sweet, sleepy pics that we all love.
Mom’s goal was beautiful, natural shots of baby – no props, no hats. I think we accomplished that.
I love this one.Raise your hand if you want to be my best friend forever.
Thank you E family for allowing me to capture this special time in your life.
I have known Stephen since he was the age of his latest child…. what a beautiful family….congrats to all….